Monday, November 13, 2006

difine difinite

this is what a "WEBSTER COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY (tenth edition 2002)" , at page 303 , says about "DEFINITE" :
adj [L definitus, pp of definire] (1553) 1: having distinct or certain limits 2 a: free of all ambiguity , uncertainty , or obscurity b: unquestionable , decided 3: typically designating an identified or immediately in numbers , usu. less than 20, and occurring in multiple of the petal number b:CYMOS see explicit

this is what will derive from
a definier (a person who`s {job , life , attention} is defining {things, any thing, a thing, phenomena}) defines <1:>. then s/he has a "distinct and certain limits" . s/he will not step more than the her/his own "red lines" . s/he will {do job, live , attend to} in the distinct or certain limits made by her/his own hands . s/he has a "distinct or certain limit"ed instruments to define the "not-defined" or "not-distinct-or-certain-limited" world . so the world out side of s/he was "not-distinct-or-certain-limited" before his congratulated and magnificent arrival . her/his {job , life , attention} is defining . so the subjects on objects of her/his are the "certain or distinct limited" world of her/him .
GOD , eternity , heaven , hell , soul , spirit ....
do they have "distinct or certain limits" ?
s/he can define what ever around her/him . as a subject or an object . where does the "so called heaven" ends even begins ?. where is the teritory of the "so called God" . if these are defined by s/he , then they should have "certain or distinct limits" (!) . what is after the "certain or distinct limits" of the territory of the "so called God"? . where is the place i can not step of the "so called soul" ?. where is the part i can not apart it from the "so called spirit" ?


At 16/11/06 2:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

لطفاْ در صورت امکان و برای کمک به اینجانب ، به این آدرس رفته و نسبت به فیلتر شدن وبلاگ های بنده از طرف مدیریت بلاگ اسکای اعتراض کنید
با تشکر
ممل کینگ کنگ

At 20/11/06 9:42 AM, Blogger shapoor.shakhdar said...

یکی هم که کامنت میگذاره.... ببین چی میگذاره.... خوش باشی جون خارجی


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