Tuesday, October 17, 2006

every thing has(?) a definition (!)

Try to define {things, any thing, a thing, phenomena}. In a defined world which is {surrounding you, you are a part of it, you are a part of its establishers (!)(?)} , you will need to {define thing, give a definition for {things, any thing, a thing}}. You are defined. The term "YOU" is defined so you define “THEY”.“THEY” are {every, any} thing surrounding you. To be more precise, you are not defined from the "eternity without the beginning”. You are defined from the beginning of your defining job. as soon as you defined {things , any thing , a thing }, you are defined to the {others , world , things , any thing , a thing} .
You are defined because you defined {things, any thing, a thing}.


A defined GOODAY is more useful than a not defined one, cause you can {point at, quote from, be with}. You are defined (?) and you like to {point at, be able to quote from, be with} a defined GOODAY;then it is "THEGOODAY" not "A GOODAY"; so {everyone , anyone , someone} is defining you in his/her own way. Don’t {try, struggle} to escape from, it is the unwritten {act, rule} which is going on and on.


At 21/10/06 2:36 AM, Blogger shapoor.shakhdar said...

آر یو ا ویندو؟ آی ام گلد تو سی یو .... مای نیم ایز دور

At 13/11/06 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

one we declared a friendship
now its your turn to define it for me

At 13/11/06 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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